Grant Application - HUD Continuum of Care 2024
A) Affirm the submission of five renewal grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through the Continuum of Care program:
1) Grant for up to $3,500,000 for the year 7/1/25-6/30/26 to provide Shelter Plus Care (SPC) targeted rental subsidies to homeless persons with disabilities. (SPC Consolidated Renewal FY24)
2) Grant for up to $185,000 for the year 6/1/25-5/31/26 to provide Coordinated Entry services for homeless individuals and families with one staff person designated to serving survivors of domestic violence. (Coordinated Entry Renewal August 2024 (NC0362L4F052206))
3) Grant for up to $240,000 for the year 04/01/2025-03/31/2026 to administer the Homeless Management Information System expansion project for the Mecklenburg Continuum of Care. (FY24 Mecklenburg HMIS)
4) Grant for up to $500,000 for the year 01/01/2026-12/31/2026 to provide rapid rehousing to domestic violence victims. (Domestic Violence Rapid-Rehousing)
5) Grant for up to $375,000 for the year 10/01/2025-09/10/2026 to support planning and coordination activities for the Continuum of Care. (FY24 CoC Planning Grant)
B) If awarded, recognize, receive and appropriate funds for the affirmed amount of up to $4,800,000 to the General Grant Fund (G001) within Community Support Services.
C) Adopt the required grant project ordinances for the five grants in the General Grant Fund (G001).
Staff Contact: Stacy M. Lowry, Community Support Services Director
Presentation: No
The Shelter Plus Care renewal grant provides targeted rental subsidies to permanently house consumers who are chronically homeless and disabled.
The Coordinated Entry renewal grant funds two positions that provide assessment services for homeless individuals and families seeking shelter and housing assistance with one person stationed at the Family Justice Center serving survivors of Domes...
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