Budget Amendment - Sheriff’s Office - Grant Subaward - 2021 BJA FY 21 Second Chance Act Grant - U.S. Department of Justice/Office of Justice Programs/Bureau of Justice Assistance
1) Adopt a grant project ordinance for the 2021 BJA FY 21 Second Chance Act grant in the General Grants Fund (G001); and
2) Recognize, receive, and appropriate $153,659 in federal revenue from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance to the General Grants Fund (G001) within the Sheriff’s Office.
Staff Contact: Rachel Vanhoy, Sheriff's Office
Presentation: No
The Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) has been chosen as a sub awardee, through FHI 360, for the 2021 BJA FY 21 Second Chance Act grant. MCSO will serve 100 adult participants in the Mecklenburg County Detention Center, returning to the Mecklenburg County Metro area through the Post-Release Employment Program (PREP). MCSO will: 1) conduct program planning including contracting with a program provider and cultivating community partnerships which support vocational training, case management and credential and employment outcomes; 2) manage job readiness assessments including participant recruitment, participant interviews which establish participant criminogenic risk and protective factors, and participant enrollment; 3) provide pre-release and post-release individualized case plans including career and education planning, supportive and transitional services and collaborate with Erika’s Closet to inform and review case notes; 4) conduct employment-related services including career training to develop work readiness and occupational skills to support National Center for Construction Education & Research (NCCER) credentials, and employment placement; 5) provide all necessary data and reporting information; and 6) collaborate with FHI 360 to coordinate and facilitate one career development training for Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Offi...
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