Subcontractor Pre-qualifications - Construction Manager @ Risk for The Umbrella Center
Authorize the Subcontractor Prequalification procedure provided by Edifice Construction for the Umbrella Center project.
Staff Contact: Steven Wallace, AIA, Project Manager
Asset and Facility Management Department
Presentation: No
The Board of County Commissioners authorized the use of the Construction Manager @ Risk Contract Methodology for this project at the May 2, 2023, BOCC meeting in accordance with G.S. 143-128.1
Revisions to state law 2014-42 (H1043), amends G.S. 143-135.8 by establishing specific procedural requirements for when and how local governments may prequalify construction contractors to bid on construction and repair contracts. These requirements also apply to the prequalification of subcontractors by a Construction Manager at Risk under G.S. 143-128.1(c).
Edifice Construction has provided a prequalification process based on the new statutory requirements that meet the following criteria:
1. Be uniform, consistent, and transparent in its application to all bidders.
2. Allow all bidders who meet the prequalification criteria to be prequalified to bid on the construction or repair work project (in other words, a bidder who meets the prequalification criteria must be allowed to bid on the project).
3. The prequalification criteria, which must comply with all of the following:
a. Be rationally related to construction or repair work.
b. Not require that the bidder has previously been awarded a construction or repair project by the governmental entity.
c. Permit bidders to submit history or experience with projects of similar size, scope or complexity.
4. Clearly state the assessment process for the criteria to be used.
5. Establish a process for a bidder to protest to the governmental entity its denial of prequalification. The protest process must be completed prior to the bid opening to a...
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