File #: 25-0131    Version: 3 Name: Auction for Disposal of Surplus Equipment
Type: Consent Status: Consent
File created: 2/18/2025 In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 3/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Auction for Disposal of Surplus Equipment ACTION: Adopt a resolution authorizing sale of surplus personal property by public electronic auction. Auction begins on March 19, 2025, and ends on March 31, 2025. Funds from this auction shall be returned to the Solid Waste Capital Reserve (Fund 8901). Staff Contact: Jeffrey Smithberger, LUESA, Solid Waste Director Rex E. Dye, City of Charlotte, Asset Recovery & Disposal Manager Presentation: No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The Mecklenburg County Solid Waste Management Program has used a 2008 Compost Row-Turning Machine at its composting operations since receiving it as new in 2008. The machine has now reached the end of its practical use life and will be sold. Pursuant to North Carolina G.S. 160A-270(c) the County is allowed to sell this machine at a public electronic auction upon adoption of a resolution our order authorizing the County Manager, or her designee to dispose of the surplus property at auctio...
Attachments: 1. (1) Exhibit A (County) 3-31-2025 auction, 2. (3) delegation of authority 3-31-2025 e-auction, 3. (2) Resolution BOCC (E-auction ending 3-31-2025)
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Auction for Disposal of Surplus Equipment




Adopt a resolution authorizing sale of surplus personal property by public electronic auction. Auction begins on March 19, 2025, and ends on March 31, 2025.  Funds from this auction shall be returned to the Solid Waste Capital Reserve (Fund 8901).



Staff Contact:      Jeffrey Smithberger, LUESA, Solid Waste Director

                                                   Rex E. Dye, City of Charlotte, Asset Recovery & Disposal Manager



Presentation:      No                                             




The Mecklenburg County Solid Waste Management Program has used a 2008 Compost Row-Turning Machine at its composting operations since receiving it as new in 2008.  The machine has now reached the end of its practical use life and will be sold.


Pursuant to North Carolina G.S. 160A-270(c) the County is allowed to sell this machine at a public electronic auction upon adoption of a resolution our order authorizing the County Manager, or her designee to dispose of the surplus property at auction.


The row-turning machine is currently located at the Compost Central Facility at 140 Valleydale Road, Charlotte. The electronic auction will be conducted by Rogers Realty and Auction Company Inc. and this electronic auction will meet the criteria for sale of public equipment.












Funds from this special one-time auction shall be returned to the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund (Fund 8901).