Construction Manager at Risk - Mecklenburg County Courthouse Security Improvements & HVAC Controls Upgrades
Authorize the County Manager to negotiate fees, terms, and conditions to execute a contract for Construction Manager @ Risk services with JE Dunn Construction for The Mecklenburg County Courthouse Security Improvements and HVAC Controls Upgrades and in the event negotiations with this firm are unsuccessful, approve negotiations with the alternate firm.
Staff Contact: Bryan Turner, AIA, Senior Project Manager
Presentation: No
A Construction Manager is needed to provide Preconstruction and Construction Management services during the design and construction phases of The Mecklenburg County Courthouse upgrades to and/or replacement of the access control, security & video surveillance systems and HVAC Controls upgrade projects.
On January 18, 2024, a Request for Qualifications was advertised in the Charlotte Observer, the Charlotte Post, Greater Diversity News, and the State of North Carolina electronic Vendor Portal (eVP). The selection of the Construction Manager followed NC General Statute 143-64.31, which prescribes a qualifications-based selection process.
Per the Board's instructions, the Selection Committee submits the following report:
• George Dunlap - Mecklenburg County Commissioner Chairman, District 3
• Laura Meier - Mecklenburg County Commissioner, District 5
• Erica Adams - Operations Administrator, North Carolina Judicial Branch, County Manager’s Designee
• Carl Godman - General Contractor appointed by the Board of Commissioners
• Major Daniel Johnson - Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office
• Mark Hahn - Director of Asset and Facility Management Department (AFM)
Three (3) firms submitted Qualifications Statements, expressing an interest in the projects and a desire to be interviewed.
Balfour Beatty
Edison Foard / M B...
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