Department of Social Services (DSS) Mecklenburg Transportation System (MTS) Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan and Title VI Plan
1) Approve the revised Mecklenburg County Transportation System’s Safety Plan and operational policy;
2) Approve the revised Mecklenburg County Transportation System’s Title VI Plan
3) Allow DSS/MTS with support from the Transportation Advisory Board to make revisions to the plan as needed
Staff Contact: Kimberly Henderson, Director, Child, Family and Adult Services
Presentation: No
MTS’s Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP) and the Title VI plan was last approved 2020. NCDOT/Public Transportation Division and FTA conduct periodic assessments to ensure compliance requirements and identify best practices. The PTASP is intended to provide a detailed plan that emphasizes safety as a daily operational priority. It addresses all applicable requirements and standards identified in the FTA Public Transportation Safety Program. Additionally, the plan is required in order to meet federal and state requirements. The safety plan serves as a guide to assist management and staff in safety sensitive positions to carry out essential tasks. The purpose of the Title VI Plan is to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as required by FTA Circular 4702.1B, and related requirements outlined under Group 01.D, “Nondiscrimination Assurance,” of the FTA Certifications and Assurances. The Title VI document details the nondiscrimination program, policies, and practices administered by this organization, and will be updated periodically to incorporate changes and additional responsibilities as they are made.
The Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan and the Title VI Plan is a requirement to meet federal and state funding guidelines. The operational policies ensure a model is in place to provide safe transportation, safe practices among key personnel, as well as ensure that compliance of nondiscrimination guidelines are adhered to.