Construction Management @ Risk (CM@Risk) Selection - Catherine M. Wilson Center (Former Kuralt Center) Renovation and Associated Projects
Authorize the County Manager to negotiate the terms and conditions, including fees, to execute a contract with R.J. Leeper Construction, LLC and Edison Foard, LLC for Pre-Construction and CM@Risk Services for the Catherine M. Wilson Center (Former Kuralt Center) Renovation and Associated Projects and, in the event negotiations with this firm are unsuccessful, approve negotiations, and contract with the alternate firm.
Staff Contact: Martin Flores, NCIDQ, IIDA, Project Manager, Asset and Facility Management
Presentation: No
A Construction Manager at Risk (CM@Risk) is needed to provide services for both the pre-construction and construction phases related to the existing building renovation of the Catherine M. Wilson Center (Former Kuralt Center) located at 301 Billingsley Road. The proposed project includes the design and complete renovation of the building interior and exterior, as well as replacements of all mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems, which have reached “end-of-life” status. The newly renovated building will provide an enhanced environment for many of the County’s employees, as well as contribute toward the County’s 2035 goal of net-zero carbon energy sources. The scope of work may also include upfit of lease space to house employees during the building renovation, as well as an upfit to Suite 1800 of the Valerie C. Woodard Center to house Child Family and Adult Services (CFAS) employees.
The Board of County Commissioners authorized the use of the CM@Risk Contract Methodology for the project at the June 18, 2024 meeting, and a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was advertised on July 18, 2024, in the Charlotte Observer, the Charlotte Post, Greater Diversity News and the State of North Carolina Interactive Purchasing System web site. The selection of the construction management firms followed NC General Statute 143-64.31, which prescribes a qualifications-based selection process.
Per the Board's instructions, the Selection Committee submits the following report:
Arthur Griffin - County Commissioner, At-Large
Leigh Altman - County Commissioner, At-Large
Jamila Davis - Director, Business Diversity & Inclusion BDI (County Manager’s Office Designee)
Adonica Hampton - Economic Services Division Director (User Agency Designee)
Mark Hahn - Director, Asset and Facility Management Department
Carl Godman - Board Appointed General Contractor
Five (5) firms (listed below) submitted a Statement of Qualifications expressing an interest in the project.
J.E. Dunn w/ Sterling
D.A. Everett w/ Barr & Barr
R.J. Leeper Construction, LLC w/ Edison Foard, LLC
Balfour Beatty Construction, LLC
Edifice, LLC
On September 19, 2024, a shortlist selection committee composed of staff from Asset and Facility Management short listed three (3) firms for interviews.
On November 8, 2024, the Selection Committee interviewed and evaluated the following three (3) shortlisted firms:
R.J. Leeper Construction, LLC w/ Edison Foard, LLC
Balfour Beatty Construction, LLC
Edifice, LLC
Based on the interviews and information provided in the written submittals, the Selection Committee selected the following firm and alternate for the project:
Selected Firm: R.J. Leeper Construction, LLC w/ Edison Foard, LLC
Alternate Firm: Edifice, LLC