Consultant Selection - Mecklenburg County Courthouse & Detention Center Central - Security Transaction Windows Upgrade Project
Authorize the County Manager to negotiate fees and terms and conditions to execute a contract with Moseley Architects for architectural/engineering services for the Mecklenburg County Courthouse & Detention Center Central - Security Transaction Windows Upgrade Project
Staff Contact: Jerry Russell, Project Manager, Asset and Facility Management Department
Presentation: No
The project is located at both the Mecklenburg County Courthouse (832 E. 4th St.) and Detention Center Central (801 E. 4th St.). An architect needs to be hired to provide services for the design, documentation, bidding, and construction administration required to facilitate the replacement of existing glass window systems (typically where payments are received) with new security transaction windows and wall protection. The new walls will utilize ballistics-rated glazing and other ballistics resistant material for the protection of employees. The added protection was recommended through a security assessment requested by key court officials.
A Request for Qualifications was advertised during the week of October 7, 2024 in the Charlotte Observer, the Charlotte Post, Greater Diversity News, and the North Carolina electronic Vendor Portal (eVP). The selection of the consulting firm followed NC General Statute 143-64.31, which prescribes a qualifications-based selection process.
Per the Board's instructions, the Selection Committee submits the following report:
George Dunlap - Mecklenburg County Commissioner, District 3
Arthur Griffin - Mecklenburg County Commissioner, At Large
Derrick Ramos - Deputy County Manager (County Manager’s Office)
Carl Godman - Licensed General Contractor (GC appointed by the Board of County Commissioners)
Eric Wolf - Facility Coordinator, Clerk of Superior Court (User Group)
Mark Hahn - Director of Asset and Facility Management Department
Three (3) firms (listed below) submitted a Statement of Qualifications:
Moseley Architects
Passero Engineering Architecture
KDG Architecture + Interior Architecture
After an Asset and Facility Management (AFM) Department review of the three submittals, AFM scheduled a Selection Committee meeting to evaluate the three submittals before determining if an interview was warranted with qualified firms.
On December 11, 2024, the Selection Committee evaluated the three (3) firms’ submittals.
Based on the information provided in the written submittals, the Selection Committee determined only one (1) firm demonstrated past project experience sufficient to demonstrate their qualifications for this project, due to the highly specialized nature of the ballistics resistant construction required as a part of this renovation. As such, interviews were not warranted, and the best qualified firm was determined.
Selected Firm: Moseley Architects
Alternate Firm: N/A