File #: 25-0148    Version: 1 Name: Storm Water Program - Hazard Mitigation Catawba River Floodplain Acquisition
Type: Consent Status: Consent
File created: 2/28/2025 In control: LUESA
On agenda: 3/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Storm Water Program - Hazard Mitigation Catawba River Floodplain Acquisition
Attachments: 1. BA 25-0148 CatawbaRiver_FY25-11821 Riverhaven Dr.pdf
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Storm Water Program - Hazard Mitigation Catawba River Floodplain Acquisition




1)  Accept the Offer of Sale of Real Estate from Todd and Carol Wilson, owner of property located at 11821 Riverhaven Drive, Charlotte, NC (tax parcel 031-211-12), for $173,000.


2)  Authorize the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police and Fire Departments to use the structure for training exercises.




Staff Contact:      David Kroening, LUESA - Storm Water Services



Presentation:       No                                             




Since late 1999, Mecklenburg County has used storm water fee revenue to mitigate flood prone property.  Buyouts reduce the risk to life and property during floods, while also enhancing the natural and beneficial functions of the floodplain.  Mecklenburg County uses the land as open space, to expand greenways, to construct wetlands, etc.


At the November 6, 2024 Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting, the BOCC adopted the MECKLENBURG COUNTY RESOLUTION ADOPTING GUIDELINES FOR A VOLUNTARY BUYOUT AND RETROFIT GRANT PROGRAM FOR FLOODPLAIN STRUCTURES THAT SUSTAINED FLOOD DAMAGE FROM TROPICAL STORM HELENE ON SEPTEMBER 25, 2024 OR AFTER.  The resolution set out guidelines for use of the Storm Water Capital Reserve for voluntary buyouts and retroFIT grants for floodplain structures that sustained flood damage from Tropical Storm Helene. This property was selected for possible acquisition using criteria listed in the adopted Resolution.


The requested actions will consist of acquiring the property and demolishing the existing home.  The purchase price is based upon the pre-flood Fair Market Value (FMV) minus documented flood damages from the September 2024 event.  The structure was washed away during the event and was therefore deemed 100% damaged. The owners have voluntarily agreed to sell to the County for the FMV minus Actual Cash Value (ACV) of insured structural losses (from owner’s flood insurance claim) as outlined in the November 6, 2024 resolution.


Storm Water Services staff allows the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department and the City of Charlotte Fire Department training opportunities for police and fire personnel prior to demolition of flood prone buildings. 













Funding of $173,000 will come from Storm Water Services Capital Fund (8910) - Buyouts (3186).