Construction Contract - Irwin Creek Stream Rehabilitation- Interstate N Drive to Statesville Road
1) Authorize the County Manager to execute a construction contract with Shamrock Construction and Remediation, LLC in the amount of $7,932,895
2) Amend the Capital Project Ordinance for the Irwin Creek Stream Restoration project to include additional funding from $1,288,130 to $4,990,390
Staff Contact: Crystal Goode, LUESA- Storm Water Engineering & Mitigation
Presentation: No
This project will enhance approximately 4,800 linear feet of Irwin Creek from Interstate North Drive to Statesville Road at the City of Charlotte’s Statesville Road Landfill site. The Statesville Road Landfill is an unlined municipal landfill that operated from the 1940’s until 1971. This project will improve water quality by stabilizing the stream banks which will reduce the sediment load and improve aquatic habitat by installing rock and wood habitat and stabilization structures, and removal of landfill material and soil. The project will prevent the landfill trash/waste and other material from eroding into the stream while stabilizing the stream banks.
Mecklenburg County and the City of Charlotte are currently finalizing the easement agreement to complete the stream rehabilitation project. The construction contract will be funded with Storm Water fees, a $500,000 grant from the NC Land and Water Fund and a $2,440,000 grant provided by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
To aid in the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), was signed into law on March 11, 2021. ARPA invested $1.9 trillion into infrastructure projects. Mecklenburg County received grant funds from ARPA, and the Irwin Creek Stream Rehabilitation project was approved on March 15, 2022, by the BOCC as part of the approved ARPA projects.
On October 1 and 4, 2024, Mecklenburg County Storm Water Services advertised the Project on the North Carolina State Interactive Purchasing Website and the Charlotte Observer, respectively. A pre-bid meeting was held on October 10, 2024. The bid opening was held on November 1, 2024, and only one bid was received and therefore the bid could not be legally opened. The project was re-bid and the second bid opening was held on November 14, 2024. One bid was received. The lowest, responsive, responsible bidder was Shamrock Construction and Remediation, LLC with a bid of $7,932,895.
It is anticipated that this project will have the following minimum MWBE Utilization:
Anticipated MWBE Participation: 10%
Anticipated MBE: 4%
Anticipated WBE: 6%
The Mecklenburg County Office of Economic Development Business Diversity and Inclusion (BDI) Division determined that Shamrock Construction and Remediation, LLC, demonstrated a Good Faith Effort for MWBE utilization.
Funding of $2,442,505 will come from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant, $500,000 will come from the NC Land and Water Fund and $4,990,390 will come the Storm Water Services Capital fund.